Saturday, June 30, 2012

Medical transcription: HIPAA and HITECH compliance

HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, applies to medical transcription for protection of confidential personal health information of patients during the process of medical transcription. This data is especially vulnerable during the process of transmission. Now the HITECH act has improved and expanded on the concerns and issues raised by HIPAA.

To ensure that confidential information is protected throughout the total medical transcription process the following measures need to be taken:

·       Assign responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of patient information to a person or group of persons

·       Assess security risks and identify the major threats to the security and privacy protection of health information.

·       A plan needs to be made to address physical security, personnel security, control of technical safety and security.

·       Confirming that the measures taken are adequate and effective

·       Developing strategies, procedures and guidelines for the use of personal computing devices like workstations and for ensuring mechanisms that allow limited access and locking the terminal when not in use for certain time.

·       Implement access controls like encryption, context based access, including role based or user based access.

·       Documenting all the measures taken to protect the confidentiality of patient information

To maintain confidentiality of patient information, measures need to be taken to address the issue at all levels:

·       People and processes
·       Infrastructure
·       Technology

While outsourcing the medical transcription needs of a healthcare facility one of the main concerns is whether the medical transcription service provider understands the significance of HIPAA and takes adequate measures to ensure HIPAA compliance during the process of medical transcription.

TransDyne is a leading provider of outsourced medical transcription services, understands the importance of maintaining the security of confidential patient information. TransDyne ensures HIPAA and HITECH compliance during medical transcription by implementing the following measures:

Securing people and processes:  People and processes are secured by implementing the following:

1.     No sub-contractors: Work outsourced to TransDyne is executed in-house and no subcontractors are used.
2.     Inbuilt security routines: All applications and processes have inbuilt security measures like password changes, access audits and related exercises.
3.     Joint access: Most confidential databases can be accessed only by a combination of passwords of a minimum of two individuals.
4.     Restricted Internet and Email access: Unlimited access to Internet can lead to security breaches. Access is limited to a few limited sites.
5.     Legal Declarations: Declarations are signed by employees undertaking to maintain the security of data.
6.     Security audits: Frequent audits are carried out to ensure that all procedures are followed and are effective.

Securing Infrastructure:  Infrastructure is secured by the following means:

1.     Company owned and managed facilities

2.     Manned security
3.     Video surveillance
4.     No removable media

Securing Technology: Technology has been secured by use of security features like
  1. All medical transcription related software applications are built in-house. 
  2. Database based systems.
  3. 128-bit data encryption
  4. Multi-tiered application architecture,
  5. Design level security safeguards, firewall protected networks
  6. Sterilized e-mail servers
  7. Denial of access procedures and
  8. Multi-modal alerts. 
Apart from maintaining security standards that not only meet but also exceed HIPAA and HITECH requirements, TransDyne also offers medical transcription at reasonable prices, done by expert medical transcriptionists with a very quick turnaround time, with very high levels of accuracy and all this with technology that is advanced but easy to use.

To benefit from outsourced medical transcription services by TransDyne, click here.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Helps optimize revenue cycle

As patient medical records are the basis for managing the revenue cycle the importance of healthcare documentation is magnified. Medical transcription – the process of converting the dictation of healthcare professionals regarding the patient encounter has been found to be one of the most efficient ways of creating patient medical records. Given the pressures of running a healthcare facility efficiently, outsourcing the medical transcription has been found to be an efficient and economical option.

Outsourcing medical transcription not only helps save on costs but also helps optimize the revenue cycle

How do medical transcription services help optimize the revenue cycle?

Detailed records: Complete and comprehensive documentation of the patient encounter has a vital role to play in the reimbursement process. Medical transcription companies aid in this process by ensuring proper and complete documentation of the care process using skilled medical transcriptionists and rigorous processes to create legible and accurate patient medical records. This forms the base for coding and billing leading to reimbursement

Timely creation of records: Another factor that medical transcription companies help in the reimbursement cycle is by expediting the process. Medical transcription companies ensure that transcription takes place as quickly as possible using a combination of skilled medical transcriptionists and the right process and transmitted back to the healthcare facility in a speedy and secure manner using the right technology

Reducing cost of transcription: Medical transcription companies not only actively aid in accelerating the reimbursement process but they also help reduce cost of transcription by limiting it to the actual usage and thereby contribute to indirectly to increasing revenues.

Minimizing overhead cost for medical transcription : Outsourcing medical transcription ensures that all the indirect costs incurred due to in-house transcription like the cost of real estate, cost of utilities, cost of management resources etc used for transcription are eliminated and can be used for developing the core business of the healthcare facility.

Enabling easy support for EMR/ EHR adoption: Apart from providing support for accelerating reimbursements and savings on cost of transcription, medical transcription companies also aid in the adoption for EMR/ EHR contributing to better revenue management. Some of the support services provided by medical transcription companies towards this end are:

  • Editing and proofreading services for speech recognition software
  • HL7 interface
  • Structured dictation
  • Structured transcription
  • Discrete reportable transcription.
It can be concluded outsourcing medical transcription to a professional medical transcription company helps optimize the revenue cycle.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Adopting a smoother process for better results

The path to smoother healthcare operations is paved with many obstacles – some of which can be described as the impending deadline for adoption of EMR/ EHR, the unpredictable nature of healthcare services demand, the non-availability of experienced healthcare documentation experts, increasing regulatory requirements for revenue management and the galloping expenses of running a healthcare facility. Taking these factors into consideration it becomes important for healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities to ease the process of healthcare operations by availing support from expert sources whenever possible.

Medical transcription is one such process that provides enormous support to healthcare operations in many areas. One of the most significant advantages of medical transcription is that it benefits from being outsourced. Outsourcing medical transcription not only allows the healthcare facility to reduce cost of transcription substantially but also provides support in many other areas.

Given below are some of the areas in which outsourced medical transcription services enable smoother operations:

Reduction of expenses and better focus on core business: One of the main advantages of outsourcing medical transcription is that it allows the healthcare facility to save as much as 40% on cost of transcription. Apart from this outsourcing eliminates overhead and fixed costs associated with transcription substantially. This allows the healthcare facility to use these resources like space, capital, time of managerial staff etc to focus on the core business of providing quality care.

The advantage of large pool of well-trained medical transcriptionists: One of the major hurdles for in-house medical transcription is the dearth qualified and experienced medical transcriptionists. This means that the healthcare facility has to spend a considerable amount of time, money and resources on acquiring and developing the right talent. And given the difficulties of predicting the need for transcription due to varying influx of patients it is extremely difficult to arrive at the right number of medical transcriptionists required. Outsourcing ensures that all these problems are eliminated at one stroke. Problems of recruiting, training and retaining medical transcriptionists, managing varying volume requirements along with holiday and weekend requirements is eliminated at one stroke.

Quality information without sacrificing the productivity of healthcare professionals and support staff: Outsourcing medical transcription service providers support the use of dictation as a method of capturing the details of the patient encounter. This not only ensures that the productivity of healthcare professionals and support staff is not hindered but also ensures that the quality of information is high due to the stringent quality check policies adopted by medical transcription companies.

Better revenue and risk management: Timely transcription ensures quicker coding and billing leading to better revenue management. Medical transcription companies ensure timely transcription using a combination of the right people, the right processes and the latest technology. Moreover as medical transcription companies also ensure that the narrative is part of the patient medical record this provides valuable support in risk management

Creating a path for EMR/ EHR adoption: Medical transcription companies have always used technology for medical transcription that is not only HIPAA and HITECH compliant but also easy to use. Now they have adopted technology to ease the path to adoption of EMR/ EHR. They provide features that include, editing & proofreading for speech recognition software, structured dictation, structured transcription, discrete reportable transcription and HL7 interface etc to enable this

In conclusion we can say that outsourcing medical transcription provides healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals access to smoother processes for better results.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Services that offer functionality and flexibility

Healthcare documentation has become an important component for the successful delivery of healthcare and the successful operations of healthcare facilities. This is due to various reasons – some of the main factors which can be summed up as providing support for the care process, starting the receivables cycle, risk management and also for statutory purposes. It can be safely said that documenting the patient encounter in its entirety is necessary to maintain a good standing, meet all obligations and for the financial well-being of the healthcare facility.

There are many methods available for documenting the care process – including medical transcription, backend & front end speech recognition software, point & click templates etc. Though some of these methods promise instant creation of patient medical records, they do not meet the criteria of meeting functionality and flexibility standards. However medical transcription – the process of transcribing patient medical records from the dictation of healthcare professionals regarding the patient encounter into text, has proven to be one of the methods of documenting the care process that meets the functionality and flexibility criteria.

Moreover outsourcing medical transcription to a professional medical transcription company adds to the advantages of using this method to document the care process and enhances the flexibility and functionality factors. Functionality has been defined as the quality of being functional and serving the purposes/s for which it has been created and flexibility has been defined as being able to change or adapt to the changing needs and as having or offering the end user variety of choices as per their needs

Medical transcription- services that offer functionality and flexibility

Accurate transcription helps the care process, better coding and risk management:  Outsourcing medical transcription to an accomplished medical transcription company ensures that quality records are created with minimum errors. Accurate information in patient medical records meets the functionality requirements of supporting the care process, better coding & billing and risk management aspects. By allowing healthcare professionals to use dictation as a means of recording the details of the patient encounter, medical transcription companies offer flexibility.  Offering editing and proofreading services for transcripts created by speech recognition software further enhances the functionality and flexibility features of transcription services.

Timely transcription helps in managing the receivables process and meeting statutory obligations: Timely medical transcription helps support the receivable cycle by providing the base from which the coding process begins.  Outsourcing medical transcription ensures that the flexible turnaround time requirements of the healthcare professionals are met with using an optimum combination of trained teams, stringent processes and advanced technology, ensuring functionality and flexibility.

Secure transcription helps in risk management and establishing patient confidence: HIPAA compliance or ensuring the confidentiality of private patient information is an essential component of meeting the requirements of the law as well as an essential component for instilling confidence in patients. Medical transcription companies ensure HIPAA and HITECH compliance throughout the transcription process thus meeting the functions of risk management and creating patient confidence.

Cost effective transcription helps in improving the bottom-line and better resource utilization: Outsourcing medical transcription ensures that healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities save substantially on cost of transcription thus offering them the flexibility of utilizing scarce resources like space, staff, capital etc towards the core business of providing quality care.

The software and tools used for transcription not only offer easy to use functionality but also offer flexible options that include:

  • Choice on dictation modes
  • Choice in document delivery modes
  • Easy access to archives
  • Structured dictation
  • Structured transcription
  • Discrete reportable transcription
  • Hl7 interface.
It can be seen that outsourcing medical transcription to a professional medical transcription company offers healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities with functionality and flexibility including options for adopting EMR/ EHR.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Providing the means to achieve the ends of quality care and profitability

The success of the healthcare sector on the whole is poised on the delicate premise of balancing the quality of care with that of maximizing the profitability. The key to maintaining this delicate balance is to enable the healthcare facility to meet external pressures like statutory regulations, increasing patient demands, intense economic pressures and the changing market dynamics with that of providing quality healthcare while maintaining a healthy bottom-line and minimizing risks.

The ultimate goals or ends of a healthcare facility can be broadly summed up as:

  • Delivery of quality healthcare
  • Maintaining healthy bottom-lines
  • Minimizing risks
  • Meeting statutory obligations.
Medical transcription – the process of creating patient medical records by transcribing the dictation of healthcare professionals regarding the patient encounter provides an effective, economical and efficient means of achieving these ends. As medical transcription is a service that requires the right blend of trained teams, perfect processes and superb software & tools to be able to support healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals in achieving all the ends; outsourcing medical transcription to an expert and professional medical transcription company has been found to be a prudent solution.

Given below are some of the qualities of expert medical transcription that acts as a means of achieving the ends of healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals:

Accurate transcription: Outsourcing medical transcription to an expert medical transcription company ensures that not only are patient medical records transcribed with the entire narrative but also ensures that each transcript is put through an elaborate quality check process to ensure maximum accuracy. Accurate transcription supports quality healthcare, revenue management and risk management, by ensuring that healthcare professionals and other staff have access to the quality information for all purposes

Timely transcription: Using a judicious combination of the right process, trained teams and advanced technology, medical transcription companies strive to meet the turnaround time requirements of healthcare professionals. This in turn supports quality healthcare and revenue management. Timely creation of patient medical records provides the foundation for starting the reimbursement process

Economical transcription services: One of the most obvious advantages of outsourcing medical transcription to .a professional medical transcription company is that of reducing cost of transcription substantially. Due to the expertise of the medical transcription company, economies of scale, the right billing method, medical transcription companies are able to deliver quality services at reasonable prices, which supports the bottom-line by saving on direct and indirect costs of transcription.

Software and tools: Outsourcing medical transcription provides the healthcare facility access to the advanced technology used by the medical transcription company. The software and tools used by the medical transcription company enables several convenient features like easy modes of dictation and uploading audio files for transcription, flexible modes of document delivery etc. Outsourcing medical transcription also helps meet healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities meet HIPAA and HITECH regulations and adoption of EMR/ EHR. Medical transcription companies have adapted technology to provide options like editing for back end speech recognition software, HL7 interface, structured dictation & transcription and discrete reportable transcription etc to enable adoption of EMR/ EHR.

It can be concluded that outsourcing medical transcription services provides healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities with means to achieve their ends

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Provides convenience and accessibility

It has been acknowledged that the healthcare process draws inputs from various sources to provide quality services. One of the inputs that contribute to the healthcare process is information from patient records. Patient records document the details of the ailment, the symptoms, the tests/procedures administered, the diagnosis, the treatment provided and the progress made by the patient. Patient medical records provide historical content regarding the health history of the patient and context regarding the patient. Having proper documentation takes away the need for guesswork and prevents wastage of resources.

Medical transcription is the process of creating patient medical records from the dictation provided of the patient- healthcare professional encounter. However medical transcription is a specialized skill requiring the right combination of a trained team, technology and a streamlined process to produce the desired result of accurate, timely, secure and cost effective records. Outsourcing medical transcription provides healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals with a convenient solution along with easy accessibility to the right team

Convenient services

  • Flexibility: By outsourcing medical transcription, one of the main benefits that healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals can enjoy is the flexibility. Outsourcing basically converts the fixed cost of medical transcription to variable cost, which is restricted to cost per line of transcription depending on the volumes.

  • Holiday and weekend transcription: Outsourcing medical transcription provides a package deal to healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals, which also takes care of any weekend and holiday transcription requirements seamlessly.

  • Flexible modes of dictation: Outsourced medical transcription also enables the healthcare professionals to retain their familiar mode of dictation, necessitating no changes in the style of working.

  • Multiple modes of document delivery: The software and tools used by the medical transcription service provider can provide healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities the benefits of secure, speedy and multiple options for document delivery.

  • HIPAA and HITECH compliance: Outsourcing medical transcription to a professional service provider ensures HIPAA and HITECH compliance throughout the medical transcription process.

  • Reduced costs: Outsourcing medical transcription results in enormous cost savings to the healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals. Not only does outsourced services transform the fixed cost of medical transcription to variable costs, but also saves on cost per line by about 40% to 50%.

Accessibility to the right team

  • Accuracy: Accuracy of information captured in the patient medical records is one of the most important factors as this information forms the basis of continued care, reflects the appropriateness of care and helps in filing proper claims. Skilled medical transcriptionists who are well versed in the language of the specialty they are transcribing for would ensure that they capture all the details with maximum accuracy. Skilled medical transcriptionists would also ensure that they apply context where applicable to correct minor discrepancies using their knowledge of the specialty and the healthcare professional they are transcribing for

  • Speed: Along with accuracy the other most important factor that affects quality care and the reimbursement process is the availability of timely information. Well-trained medical transcriptionists would ensure that not only are the transcripts accurate, but also available on time.

  • Customization: The level of service required by healthcare professionals would vary according to their specialty, the treatment situation and various other factors. Well trained medical transcriptionists would help in the process of customizing services according to the specific needs of healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities.

It can be concluded that medical transcription companies not only help in creating patient medical records within all the required parameters but they also help in adoption of EMR/ EHR using their unique access to manpower and technology, which includes:

EMR/ EHR adoption: Medical transcription companies also ease the path to adoption of EMR/ EHR by offering options like proofreading & editing services for speech recognition software, structured dictation, structured transcription, discrete reportable transcription and HL7 interface while still retaining the familiar and preferred method of dictation-to-transcription method of documenting the care process.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR. 

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Ensures creation of patient medical records with unique details

It is a known fact that healthcare has become an integral part of today’s world and that due to this efficient management of healthcare has become very important. Managing healthcare involves both the actual process of providing care and managing the commercial, legal and statutory aspects. One of the main inputs that aid in this is healthcare documentation. Documenting the care process in its entirety along with the unique details of each encounter ensures that the healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals are prepared to manage all aspects.

With the recent move towards adoption of EMR/ EHR, there are many options available to document the care process. However, medical transcription – the process of creating patient medical records from the dictation of healthcare professionals regarding the care process is one such service that is uniquely poised to meet all the demands on healthcare documentation. Another important aspect to be considered about medical transcription services is that healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals need not expend their efforts on managing this process; they can outsource medical transcription to a professional medical transcription company

Along with the benefit of substantial savings on cost, documenting the care process using the services of a professional medical transcription company ensures that patient medical records are created with all the unique details of each encounter.

How do medical transcription services help create patient medical records with unique details?

  • The medical transcription process encourages dictation as a method of collecting/ recording information
  • Creating patient medical records using medical transcription services ensures that the narrative portion of the patient encounter is included as part of the record.
  • The medical transcription process ensures that each unique detail of the patient encounter is transcribed accurately
  • Avoids the pitfalls of using point and click mode of documentation that encourages limiting the healthcare professionals choice of words for documentation
  • Medical transcription companies also help healthcare professionals to document the care process using speech recognition software to preserve the unique details by providing editing and proofreading services.
It can be seen that documenting the care process using the services of an expert medical transcription company not only enables creation of accurate patient medical records with unique details, prompt transcription, HIPAA & HITECH compliance during transcription, enormous savings of cost of transcription but also provides technology that provides multiple benefits while still being easy to use.

EMR/ EHR adoption: Medical transcription companies also ease the path to adoption of EMR/ EHR by offering options like proofreading & editing services for speech recognition software, structured dictation, structured transcription, discrete reportable transcription and HL7 interface while still retaining the familiar and preferred method of dictation-to-transcription method of documenting the care process.

It can be concluded that medical transcription companies not only help in creating patient medical records with unique details but they also help in adoption of EMR/ EHR.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Services that are convenient, comprehensive and minimize risks

With the rapidly approaching deadlines for the adoption of EMR/ EHR, healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities are constantly looking for ways and means of complying with the mandate with minimum disruption to their work flow. Healthcare professionals intuitively show an inclination towards the dictation- transcription method of documenting the care process, as it is convenient, minimizes risks and is comprehensive by helping retain the narrative portion of the patient encounter.

Convenient, comprehensive and risk-free services

Convenient services

Conforming to the users’ needs:  The services of medical transcription company naturally conform to the hectic working atmosphere of healthcare facilities. Apart from meeting the needs of the primary stakeholders in the healthcare; that is the patients and healthcare professionals, outsourced medical transcription services provide convenient services for others like the support staff of the healthcare facility, administration, IT etc. Some of the convenient features of medical transcription services include:

  • Familiar and flexible modes of dictation
  • Transcription with maximum accuracy
  • Eliminating overheads for medical transcription
  • Transcription within turnaround time specified to help with the care process and to start billing process on time
  • Lowering the cost of transcription
  • Using easy to use technology for transcription.

Providing means for adoption of EMR/ EHR:  Keeping in mind the approaching deadline for adoption of EMR/ EHR and the constraints on the time of healthcare professionals, which hinder the entry of information into the system by healthcare professionals themselves, medical transcription companies are providing numerous options for adoption of EMR/ EHR. These include:

  • HL7 interface
  • Discrete reportable transcription
  • Structured dictation
  • Structured transcription.

Comprehensive services: Comprehensive services provided by medical transcription companies include:

  • Accurate transcription for all specialties, including the narrative
  • Meeting varying transcription volumes
  • Holiday and weekend transcription
  • Editing and proofreading services for speech recognition software
  • Customizing report templates/ formats according to specification.
Risk Free services: Outsourcing medical transcription ensures that the risk faced by healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities as regards HIPAA and HITECH during the medical transcription process are minimized. The patient medical records created by medical transcription companies also effectively help in risk management aspects.

It can be concluded that outsourcing medical transcription provides healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities with convenient, comprehensive and risk free transcription solutions.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR .

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.