Saturday, June 9, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing: Helps get rid of operational woes

The increasingly stringent statutory norms, the escalating emphasis on quality care for the aging population and the cutthroat competition has driven the healthcare sector to review their current operations to meet new challenges. Healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities have also started moving towards adoption of EMR/ EHR and this has led to further pressure on them.

Medical transcription, a service that has been supporting the healthcare sector by helping create quality patient medical records from the dictation of healthcare professionals is one service that can help healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities get rid of their operational woes. Moreover medical transcription services have also adapted technology to bridge the gap towards the adoption of EMR/ EHR while still holding on to the preferred and convenient method of documenting the care process – that of dictation-to-transcription.

How can outsourcing medical transcription help healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals deal with their operational woes?

Some of the main operational woes faced by healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals can be summed up as:

  • Increasing costs
  • Reduced productivity
  • Decreasing quality of services due to these factors.
Outsourcing medical transcription helps healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals overcome all this operational hurdles.

Dealing with increasing costs: One of the main benefits of outsourcing medical transcription is the savings on cost. Medical transcription companies help healthcare facilities save as much as 40% and above on the cost of transcription. This is made possible by the following factors:

  • Using a measurable, definable, verifiable, consistent, fair and honest billing method
  • By pricing the services according to usage rather than on a fixed basis
  • By eliminating all overhead and fixed costs of medical transcription
  • By enabling better use of resources towards the development of the core business rather than towards medical transcription.
Enhancing productivity: Outsourcing medical transcription eases the burden of support staff in healthcare facilities regarding transcription related activities. Moreover medical transcription companies help healthcare professionals manage their time better by allowing the usage of dictation modes of choice, providing convenient document delivery modes and easing the path to EMR/ EHR adoption. Some of the provisions made by medical transcription companies towards adoption of EMR/ EHR include:

  • Structured dictation and structured transcription
  • Discrete reportable transcription
  • HL7 interface
  • Editing and proofreading services for speech recognition software transcripts.
Influencing quality of services positively: Outsourcing medical transcription also has the additional advantage of improving the quality of patient care by enhancing the quality of information in patient medical records. Medical transcription services indirectly influence the quality of services positively by allowing healthcare professionals to focus on the patient rather than on the healthcare documentation process.

It can be seen that outsourcing medical transcription can help healthcare facilities get rid of their operational woes, especially those related healthcare documentation and the management of patient information.

TransDyne, a leader in the outsourced medical transcription industry has used their extensive background in information technology and their experience in serving the needs of the healthcare sector to provide affordable and integrated medical transcription solutions.

Among the software and tools offered by TransDyne for transcription, the smart delivery system has a large role to play in easing the path to EMR/EHR adoption The Smart Delivery system, which has features like User defined folder paths to enable easy imports to EMR systems is the suggested mode of document delivery where pre-defined file saving would help import documents to EMR systems.  Apart from this TransDyne also offers discounted rates for those healthcare facilities that provide demographic data entered in the EMR rather than through other modes.

Along with medical transcription services involving multiple level quality checks to ensure accuracy, the use of the right technology for ease of use, turnaround time and security, at reasonable rates, TransDyne also provides discrete reportable transcription for adoption of EMR/ EHR.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here.

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